School Closings: The are no closing alerts at this time.
We continue to closely monitor the latest developments in ICE regulations with regard to F-1 students and on-line education.
AAIT will continue providing its students with all the needed services and safety while staying in full compliance with USCIS and SEVP governing regulations.
As an authorized under Federal Law school we will continue to enroll nonimmigrant alien students, admit new students and transfers.
Contact options:
You can reach us 24/7 via email at
Call the office Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 6 pm at 267-840-9000
About AAIT
The American Advanced Institute of Technology (AAIT) founded in 2006 offers English language instruction, cultural orientation, and pre-academic training to international students, scholars, and professionals on an intensive basis. AAIT is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation for the period December 2018 through December 2028 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institution. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703)665-3400,
AAIT offers a 2-year English Language Program that serves adults with various English Language proficiency levels who seek to advance in their academic, professional and personal goals.
News & Events
07/20/2021 – Attention Change of Status to F-1 Visa Applicants!
06/01/2021 – Changing to a Nonimmigrant F-1 Student Status
04/25/2017 – Attention F-1 Visa Applicants!
New Special Instructions for B-1/B-2 Visitors Who Want to Change to F-1 visa
08/12/2023 – School trip to the Philadelphia Art Museum.
Students meet near Rocky statue at 12.00pm
For more events in Philadelphia area, please visit
Our Facebook page:
Complaints can be filed with CEA. Such a complaint must be filed in writing with the name, address and telephone number of the complainant on a separate page, and shall identify the specific standard(s) allegedly violated as well as a description of how the program or institution has failed to comply with it.
Complaints may be filed at any time.
CEA will investigate complaints according to the procedures outlined in the CEA Policies and Procedures.